A week ago Sadie turned 2 months, time is flying by last Wednesday she went in for her 2 month shots and Im pretty sure I cried more than she did. She now weighs 11 lbs 4 oz (55%)and is 22 inches long(50%). She is almost double her birth weight and is finally getting chubby! It is so fun to see her growing and now she's ooohhhing and gawwing and smiling more and more (except she refuses to smile when I have the camera) Smart little one!
She's starting see her feet and thinks they are most amazing thing to stare at and tries to grab her hair bows, sometimes I find her and they have ended up around her neck. She is starting to use her strong legs to push against things and can skoot herself a couple inches she will be crawling in NO TIME!
On September 6th was Sadies Baby Blessing, she was blessed by my brother and had a lot of family from both mine and Daryls side travel their way to St. George to be there for this special day. 1 of the 3 most amazing days she will have in her life. Here she asleep after her blessing on her native rug/blanket with her bracelet her Grandpa Dennis and Grandma Sallie gave her. A little bit of both her cultures, she is one blessed little girl to have amazing family. An offically was given her name Sadie Manson.