December 19, 2012

Tragedy Heard Around The World

My heart hurts for those who lost family members, friends and neighbors and for the town of Newtown, CT. What a day it was and how it has changed our country. I hope out of this our society steps up and makes changes to have steps to prevent this moment from ever replaying itself.

I have been thinking about what I can do that may be small but do something to benefit the people around me each and everyday. Something that doesn't cost my anything, since at these times a lot of people are pinching pennies.

So I thought... How about telling your family you LOVE them every single day. AND Maybe all those people need is a smile from a complete stranger.

And I ask you to join me... smile at one stranger passing by everyday.

Who knows what this will accomplish but for each one of us who does it, we ourselves will smile one more time then we usually do and maybe that's all we need too! And it is usually always returned with a smile...

This world needs more smiles!!

Thankfulness Part Two

I am thankful for...
Nov 11- Freedom, I am so glad to live in this country for the free.
Nov 12- Memories, I love looking through old pictures and being able to see all the wonderful experiences and people I've had in my life.
Nov 13- Babysitters and Daycare people that have been there for Sadie and our family. There is nothing greater than knowing my child is well looked after.
Nov 14- Jobs, although I dont have a job right now, when I have one its such a blessing and makes me feel so great.
Nov 15- Health, What a blessing.
OK with moving to Arizona I didn't finish but I am so blessed!