October 18, 2010

15 months..

I know I skipped a month, time is going to fast, Sadie is growing way too fast.

Sadie's hair was getting way too long so I trimmed her bangs, this pic does no justice but it is way cute!

Time is just flying really I dont know how I get so far behind but a lot is going on, we have been traveling to see Daryl, or homework, midterms every weekend. I am working 30 hours a week and school fulltime so making time for writing a blog post just doesnt seem to fit in.

Sadie has TONS of teeth, yet she is still missing her two top front teeth they are taking there time to come in and so we will be seeing the dentist for the first time this coming week.


Sadie went trick or treating and LOVED it, she wanted to walk alone, take candy from everyone and put it in her bucket. Her favorites are m&m's, skittles, suckers,
and smarties, so she enjoys it all. Enjoy the pictures. The Steeler's are Daryl's favorite football team.

August 30, 2010

13 months

Sadie turned 13 months a couple weeks ago, and Im just getting to post about her! She weighs 24 lbs 2 oz and is 29 inches long!

She is walking now, she can walk for a little bit then falls and decides crawling the rest of the way is easier. But its just so exciting and she knows she is doing a good job cause everyone always says "yay keep walking!"

She still loves her "birthday car" so much she plays with it more then all the toys she has ever played with in her 13 months of life put together!

She can now ask for something by pointing or handing her bottle to someone meaning more. She walks over to someone and reaches her arms up and makes a look like "pick me up" and stands on her tippy toes when she wants to be picked up.

Sadie is definetly her own self, she likes it her way and if its not her way she throws a fit mostly when were at home or somewhere she feels is like home. Along with her way she will ONLY drink milk out of a bottle, water out of a sippy, juice out of a juice box, and anything else through a straw. (I have a feeling this is how life is going to be with her)

She gives the BEST hugs and kisses, I love them when she says "awww" and leans her head into my body. She is still a very happy girl and always does her HUGE grin that makes any day better.

Sadie has the most hilarious facial expressions and Im 100% positive they come from her dad and this one is EXACTLY like one of his.. I love that Sadie is just like her daddy, they are so entertaining and hilarious, there is never a dull moment around either of them!

She loves playing with kids, she really is a outgoing little girl and isn't even a little bit shy (most the time)

She is getting more and more teeth and these are the ones in to date.

I started school and taking 12 credits is keeping me crazy busy so it took me a little too long to update, but better late then never! Hopefully another post soon of our trips to see Daddy! Time is flying but we are still enjoying everyday. We love you Ms. Sadie!

July 23, 2010

Sadie's ONE year old

I just cant believe it, she is getting soo big. We had to push back her 1 year appt. because I was sick on the day of her appt. and now her dr. is out of town for 2 weeks so at 13 months I will update on her stats which are crazy different im sure!

Sadie girl is transferring from a baby to a little girl so rapidly. She is an amazing little girl. On a previous post I wrote all about her "new things" so this one I will just add a couple more.

I finally got around to making something to hold all her hair bows.

She got this car for her birthday and ever since she spends hours on it. It only took her 15 minutes to learn how to get on it, off it, push it, play with ALL the buttons but her favorite is to honk the horn (is this a future indicator? ha)

We took a trip to Page for Daryl's Family Reunion and to celebrate Sadie's birthday, everyone was so kind with gifts and love. I made her birthday cakes, it took me a week and they turned out good for my 2nd try.

On Sadies actual birthday, my aunt, cousins, and their kids brought Sadie a cupcake and gifts and she loved seeing all the kids. We ate a HUGE dinner and had cupcakes and gifts, she ate 5 mini cupcakes.. she wouldve ate more if i let her. Daddy made her a card, isnt it darling? She loved it!

This picture is going into our friends glasses store.. I couldnt be more excited my baby is already model status!

Bugga, We love you soo much! Happy 1 yr baby cant wait for all that you have to teach us the years to come!

July 19, 2010

Sadie's 1 yr photos