-You wake up soo happy and ready to get the day started, yet you HATE sleeping.
-You have a fake laugh that just makes me laugh, its the cutest, you fake laugh at everything, you will scream and when u get someones attention you fake laugh, you will be playing and just fake laugh at yourself.
-You love playing in the toilet water, with spoons, markers, and toys. I try to keep the bathroom door shut but it never fails one time a day you will be playing in the toilet with whatever you can get ahold of.
-You can crawl SUPER fast, and when im coming after you you just go faster, its amazing.
-You have such a little personality, you can light up the room or throw the biggest tantrums.
-You take your earrings and pony tails out daily. (we have lost plenty)
-You hate getting your hair done, you kick and scream even though it takes a minute.
-You hate running water but love bath time, swimming and pouring ur sippy cup water all over the floor.
-You love being the center of attention, when we go to the store you just smile at everyone.
-You enjoy going in the car for rides to places.
-You have fun at the gym daycare, you dont like being in the swing or infant area u like to be with the big kids.
-You can drink out of a straw and like to take mommy's soda and drink it.
-You never ate baby food and still hate having your own food you rather eat what mom has on her plate.
-You throw your toys all day long, its the only way you play.
-When you get tired you will crawl and lay down and crawl and lay down but will never give in and just fall asleep.
-You can give hugs and kisses but of course only when you feel like it.
-You love playing with Aunt Lindsay and bugging her by poking her and crawling around her.
-You like to lick mom when u are upset and want attention and fake laugh inbetween licking.
-You absolutely hate getting your diaper changed.
-Your favorite foods are peas, broccoli, cheese sticks, chicken, steak and beef. You have an appetite just like your daddy.
-You love talking to daddy and love being with him, maybe cause he lets you get away with everything.
-You love frozen yogurt and snow cones.
-You make noises with your mouth consistently through out the day.
-You always play with any cell phone around.
-You will dance when you hear any song with a good beat.
-You bounce up and down when I say "shake ur butt" and LOVE "shake it like a salt shaker song"
-You dont like socks or shoes.
-You love watching TV and mostly with little kids and babies.
-You always want to play with the lap top.
-You are my best friend and I love spending all day with you this summer.
-You dont like to obey anyone.
-You think its funny to hit people.
-You get into moms purse and play with her money and credit cards.
-You love gold fish crackers and fruit snacks
-You like playing with all the window blinds
-You like playing on Grandma Sony's bed and hate when mom comes to get you.
Your such a fun little girl and im so excited to see you grow more and more as the days go by. We love you little girl!